
On August 18, 2023, the DTU SusBrane research group embarked on an exciting field trip to Bispebjerg Hospital Laundry. Delving into the intricacies of the laundry process, we resumed our research with a keen focus. Tom Kingo Andersen, the Service Manager from JENSEN Group Denmark, provided invaluable insights into chemical dosing, water usage, laundry procedures, and equipment maintenance during the trip.
Stack of blue dish clothes at Bispebjerg Hospital
The trip was marked by a dynamic exchange of insights. Wenjing (Angela) Zhang, the leader of the SusBrane group, along with Henrik Rasmus Andersen, Dan Zhao, Tao Jiang, and Karthik Kumar Chandrasekar, seized the opportunity to share our research experiences and perspectives.
Jensen machine of a blue and silver colour partially in the right frame of the picture
Armed with a deeper understanding of each compartment of the laundry machine and the process diagram, the DTU SusBrane research group and Jensen Group reached a consensus on the samples to be analyzed. We eagerly anticipate the collaborative efforts and interactions that lie ahead as we strive towards achieving Zero-harmful discharge.
SusBrane convened a team of world-renowned experts and researchers with complementary proficiencies in the fields of water treatment, material design, and membrane process engineering. The kick-off SusBrane meeting took place at DTU on May 15th, 2023. During this meeting, the project consortium partners provided a concise overview of the various work packages and articulated the project's objectives and ambitions. This was followed by an extensive discussion on the forthcoming six months.
Picture of project leader, Angela, doing a presentation
After the productive discussion, the consortium members were given the opportunity to tour the central laundry facilities at Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital. This immersive visit provided valuable insights into the entire laundry process, encompassing activities such as quality checking, sorting, washing, drying, and the delivery of freshly laundered items. The day concluded with a steering committee meeting involving Innovation Fund Denmark.
Row of hanging white t-shirts in front of a white wall with a window in the right

Key highlights of the event included:

  • A round-table discussion on the project's work packages.
  • An in-depth exploration of the hospital's laundry facilities.
  • A comprehensive understanding of the challenges that the project will encounter.